Think Dog book
Think Dog book
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A brand-new edition of the classic guide to canine psychology for dog owners.
In the 1980s and 1990s John Fisher revolutionised dog training, first in England, then in the US. With his self-deprecating manner and 'Oh! So British' sense of humour, he taught us to 'Think Dog'. In this seminal pet psychology book, he examines the mind of the dog with examples taken from his practical experience, explaining to owners how the world appears from a dog's point of view.
The first section of the book traces the ancestry and inherent behaviour of dogs, from their origins as pack animals related to the wolf or the jackal. The second part examines what most people describe as problem behaviour, which is just normal canine behaviour exhibited in the wrong place. The book concludes with an A-Z of common problems, their causes and cures.
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